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Copy & Paste doesn't work sometime

Submitted by danicroitor on Sat, 02/23/2019 - 14:46
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I've just noticed that copy & paste doesn't work sometime. It just won't work.
Can't figure it out when it starts to work but after a while is start working again.
example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xe8r1ohj90su0et/copy%20%26%20paste.mov?dl=0

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11 Responses


Forum Admin


Its due to the Mapping Hierarchy and where you are clicking paste.
You to right click on the parent and click paste.
See this from the Step by Step Tutorials about Copy and Paste:

Pro User

No, it just a bug! :)


Pro User

jeah it seems to be a bug. sometimes it´s working sometimes not. No matter where in the Hierarchy i tried to pass

Forum Admin

Ok. We're investigating this.

Pro User

Another thing I noticed is that: I have multiple scripts inside the app for some it lets me copy & paste for some it doesn't.
Or I can copy from script A to Script B but I cannot copy stuff from Script B to script A

Really weird and random. I hope there would be a fix soon and maybe some drag&drop feature

Forum Admin

Yes we're working on adding copy/duplicate functionality as buttons on the mappings and Drag / Drop functionality for moving mappings around.

Pro User


what I found and It worked for now: when copy&paste does not work I will create an empty reaction with 2 reactions inside and then delete them.. sometime it is working just to try copy &paste one of the reaction.

I hope it will help someone

Control Surface Studio User

Still waiting for a proper fix

Control Surface Studio User

---and to copy multiple sections

Control Surface Studio User

If this has been fixed, it's worth reporting back on, lest a new user believe that something so basic as copying and pasting has been broken since February.

If this has not been fixed, it's worth fixing and then reporting back on, lest a new user believe that something so basic as copying and pasting has been broken since February.

Forum Admin

With regards to copy and paste, the new update will see a complete change to this.
It adds a duplicate button to each mapping, development on this is already completed, we're finishing up some other features and bug fixes before releasing everything.