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copy & paste does not work at all

Submitted by danicroitor on Fri, 08/02/2019 - 14:38
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

the copy & paste function does not work at all.
Previously I had the option when right click, now when I right click nothing happens.

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

People didn't like the right click / copy function as it was confusing, so it was replaced in 2.5 with Duplicate and Delete Buttons. They are on the right of every mapping / input / script / controller.
See attached.

upload files: 
Pro User

It could be useful when you wanna copy something from one mode or script to another one

Forum Admin

You can duplicate entire modes if you need to. You can also drag and drop mappings/groups of mappings by clicking and dragging the mapping icon.

Watch our 2.5 update video for a full run down of the new features. https://youtu.be/NKJBYYrqCO4