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Control first device on master/Bank Volume Faders (Livid Cntrl-r)

Submitted by kangarookillers on Sun, 07/02/2017 - 14:18
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


I just upgraded to pro and wondered, if some things are possible to do:

- I want to fix my rotary-encoders to the first device on my master track - but I just can set a specific channel, master is not available here

- I want to bank through my volume-faders with a red box. At the moment only the first 8 channels are controllable. Is there an option for an offset or something like that?

Thanks and keep up the good work!



1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for upgrading to pro, I hope you create some wonderful things with Remotify.

In answer to your questions,
1. Its not currently possible to create mappings for devices on the master track, we should be able to get this feature added in the near future.

2. To bank through your channels with a red box, you can create a mapping type called "session box navigation". Create one for moving left and another for moving right. Make sure you set the "move by" value to "page" and not 1.

