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Submitted by trash116 on Tue, 01/30/2018 - 18:48
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


I'm getting very confused even after reading the help docs and some trial and error. I want to write a script to map controls for a third party soft synth plug in --- Tal Uno Lx.

I have a DJ Tech Tools Midi Figther Twister midi controller, with 16 rotary & push knobs, with the ability to have four banks on it.

I want to map all of the soft synth controls to the the controller (there are more than 16 controls to map).

Im just so confused on how to use the app to do this - i have worked out how to map a single bank of 8 controls but thats all.

Any help would be great

1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi M,

Ableton's Live Object Model only exposes 8 device parameters.
You can however bank up and down through groups of 8 parameters using the bank up/down mapping type, giving you access to all of the parameters on your plugin.

To expose the parameter you want and in the order you need them...
In the title bar for the device click the triangle > then turn "configure" on and select the parameters you want to use from the plugin which will appear in the area to the right.
You can then rearrange them into the order you want to access them.
