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Change mode of a midi controller with a different controller

Submitted by Seth on Thu, 03/10/2022 - 12:48
Control Surface Studio User

I have had a browse but not clear if the following is possible:

Basically I would like to press a button on a midi controller which then changes the active mode on a different midi controller.

So either two scripts communicating with eachother, or two controllers in one script.

If not possible then I guess I could have a dummy knob/toggle in Live which I activate with one controller. The second controller then listens to this knob with reactions and changes it's mode acordingly.

Thanks for the help.

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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello Seth,
Nice thought! Communication between two scripts is not (yet) implemented.
The other two options are valid!

One thing to watch out for about having two controllers in one script is that the Midi controllers will conflict if both share inputs with the same note number or CC at the same channel.

I find the dummy knob/toggle option in Ableton the most elegant solution. It would require that you make a simple Max Midi Effect though. If you are able to pull that off, please let us know. I would be thrilled to find out if it is possible!

Go Seth, go ;-)

Control Surface Studio User

Ok thanks! Yeah i'm experienced with Max so that should be no problem. It would also act as a central point of control I could activate with the mouse etc.

I will post my project when it's all working as there's plenty of midi weirdness and custom hardware going on.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Seth,

I don't know if my approach will seem relevant to you or not, but thought I'd mention it just in case.
I've got a bunch of controllers including a Push 2 that can handle track switching just fine, so I've focussed the CSS script I've made (for my keyboard) on device controls. So far I've got a "generic" mode, and a special mode for Analog Lab (with the parameter banking specially configured to match the on-screen controls in that particular plugin).
Thanks to this thread -
- I've now got it set up so that whenever I select a track or device, a reaction checks the device name, and if it contains "Analog Lab", switches to Analog Lab mode.
So although one controller isn't directly mode-switching the other, I think it's actually preferable to have the keyboard automatically switching to the appropriate mode in response to "events", rather than have to push a specific button to make it happen.