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Can't set MIDI messages

Submitted by Dawicht on Fri, 11/06/2020 - 22:20
Control Surface Studio User


Im completely new to CCS. I run Ableton 10.1.25 on mac OSX 10.14.6. In the documentation it says:

Using MIDI Monitor to set Messages
You can automatically set the information for MIDI Type/Channel/Value by turning on MIDI Monitoring (see MIDI Monitor for details).
With MIDI Monitor turned on and an Input’s Settings form displayed, turn/move/press a physical input on your Controller and its MIDI Message Data will be automatically added to the MIDI Type/Channel/Value options.

My problem is: When i turn a knob of my controller (Launchkey mini mkII) the MIDI channel and MIDI value are displayed for a short time but instantly switch back to the default values (wich are CC/9/no value), and my setting is gone. Instead i got some buttons that are nowhere described in the documentation, see attached image. What's going wrong here??

Thanks in advance!

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

What are tho buttons "Log selceted controller" and "Log selected Input" meant do do? they dont do anything in my case...

Control Surface Studio User

I figured out whats the reason for loosing the settings instantly. The Lauchnkey mini (its actually an mkIII) is permanently sending clock messages. Novation says they want to implement the possibility to turn it off soon.

So i got to assign all manually.

Forum Admin

I'm not sure about the midi clock thing you mentioned, but to me it sounds like the knob has some sort of touch sensitivity on it. When you hold / turn it, it sends one midi message and then another when you release it (Ableton push 2 does this also).

My suggestion to get around this issue is to turn the knob and make a note of the values while your turning it, then select them manually in the settings form.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes, the MIDI Monitor application shows clearly the clock signals coming in every 21 milliseconds, see attached file.
It wasn't that much of a deal to do it manually with the help of MIDI Monitor.

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