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Can't go any further

Submitted by Sunder Baskaran on Wed, 08/22/2018 - 16:02
Sunder Baskaran
Free User

I purchased the pro version last evening and till now have spent around 10 hours trying to get a functional script for my current set-up but having tried many combinations I feel that a lot of the functionality in remotify is very restricted or may be it is my poor understanding. I have gone through the help material and have looked at the community section as well.

I have an audio mixer with around 40 buttons which have their individual cc values. Everything was mapped to my set-up and was working fine with ableton but the led lights for the buttons were not working. I therefore purchased remotify to assign specific cc values to get the LED activated as I trigger the buttons. I got the remotify script to work on some very basic aspects such as the solo, mute etc on specific individual tracks but that does not meet my needs. I just want to assign the specific CC numbers to separate functions within ableton (could be to trigger L,M,H function in EQ3), could be device turn on/off, could be a macro function or can be a parameter inside a device. Everything is already mapped in live prior to remotify. I just need the led to respond to the action. Seems like there is no straight forward way to get that to happen here.

I 'm happy to pay someone for a one off script for my set-up but for me this is quiet restricted and that too with a fairly steep learning curve and therefore cannot go further.

As a feedback, I wanted to highlight that it would be better if you flip the logic a bit here and have the starting point from midi learn and let the user then decide what they want to do with that incoming midi value.It would be great if the journey starts from there rather than having to start by selecting what type of function. Also,what would help is to have a complete list of function type corresponding to every native ableton instrument and effect. For example, what is the mute high band in EQ3? Is it a device parameter? If so, you cant input the LED value for device function on remotify.

2 Responses


Free User

I would like to try and help you out in this situation.. Do you have an email where I can get in touch?

Pro User

Here is a list of the device Parameters and Banks.

It would help, if you tell us what controller you are using. Have you tried a simple Max4Live midi I/O (or Midi-OX) to check the LED response/channel/CC&Note?