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Can't get Scrtipt to load with Ableton Live 11.2.7

Submitted by tylerputnam on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 23:25
Control Surface Studio User

I cant get a script to load into ableton without the midi ports of my midi fighter twister turning red and not working. I have the simplest script I could think of as a test, disabled all my other USB's plugged in. There are no errors in the log and a green successful notification when I 'import to live'

See images for context.

I have restarted many times, tried multiple different scripts, and reloaded the script with every combination of button clicks to no avail.

Thanks for the help!

Windows 10
Ableton Live 11.2.7
Midifighter Controller

Topic Category: 

8 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I am having the same issue. Ableton holds onto a previous script and doesn't recognize the new one.

Forum Admin

Hi tylerputnam,
Check that the MIDI data is correct for the button being used with the mapping.
If you're using the default MF Twister script, it uses the factory default settings so make sure you have your unit set to this.

aplastas, Ableton Live 11 curently requires you to close an re-open it in order to use new updates in your script.

Control Surface Studio User

Fantastic thank you John - thought I was going crazy, I thought I had the MF reset to defaults but apparently not. I used MF utility to restore it loaded up into ableton and worked without a hitch. Now on to start building some scripts and I am sure I'll be bugging you further!
thx again!

Control Surface Studio User

Well, I may have spoken too soon. After modifying some scripts, the same thing has been happening again intermittently.
After retiring MF Twister to the factory again and, after a restart, able to get CSS Script loaded. And the same behavior happens. When I close both Control Studio and Ableton and try it, I think it still works. I still find it inconsistent, though, which makes confidence in developing scripts on the platform hesitant.
I also noticed that the lights on the physical MF Twister don't match what's shown in the MF utility so maybe there is a bug there??
Unclear if this has anything to do with this issue or if the issue Is local to my studio.
Thanks in any regard best.

mf Uitlity 1.82
Control Surface Studio 2.7
Ableton 11.2.7
Windows 10

Forum Admin


With regards to the colors in the MF utility being different to what is being displayed on the Unit. You can script LED feedback to light up LEDs in whatever color you require, regardless of the settings in the Utility. The color which is displayed is based on the Velocity value which you send to the physical input.

The MF Twister controller template includes the color assignment values needed to display each color (see attached).

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John. Close and reopen meaning quit Ableton, or can I use command N? Command N doesn't seem to be working.


Control Surface Studio User

NM. I see that you have to quit Ableton and reload. Thanks for an awesome product BTW.

Control Surface Studio User

ya I think I failed to realize I can't have both Control Surface studio and Ableton running at the same time. and to update the script need to substantiate a new live session. A little annoying but the scripts now seem to be working as expected!