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Can't get led feedback to midifighter 64

Submitted by RGBEATZ on Sun, 11/24/2019 - 21:08
Control Surface Studio User

Hello! I am using css with Ableton 9.7.7 and my midi fighter 64, 3d and twister. Everything is working pretty well except that no matter what I seem to do, I can't get my 64 to receive led feedback in any form. I have track and remote turned on for the input and output, I am receiving midi in and midi out messages from ableton's key/midi in/out indicator as well as receiving the appropriate midi in/out messages (with the midi out velocity assignments made in css) in midi monitor. Even with all that, the 64's leds show no response. Is there anything else I could have overlooked??

One other thing to note is that even though I have user_remote_scripts folder located correctly in the settings, whenever I export my scripts, I get this error message

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
No module named User_Remote_Scripts

My scripts also do not show in the control surface assignment in preferences even though css says my script exported successfully. However if I change The folder the scripts save to to MIDI Remote Scripts, then my scripts appear and are able to be used (I still receive the same error message though).
I am at the end of my rope and am not sure what to do to remedy this. Any help is appreciated.

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15 Responses


Forum Admin


Do you have LED feedback working with your other controllers (3d and twister) ?

With regards to the folder you save your scripts to, it must be Live's 'Midi Remote Scripts' folder else they won't show in Live.
On Mac:
Applications/Live x.x./Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts
On Windows:
\ProgramData\Ableton\Live x.x\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts

Control Surface Studio User

Hello, thank you for your response!
I will have to check the twister again after I'm off work, but I can't get led feedback on the 3d either. However, I can get feedback if i send the velocity value to the controller with Bomes for what its worth.

Control Surface Studio User

Okay so just now set up a test led mapping with the twister and it does receive led feedback! Gonna try again with 64 today and see if there is anything I'm doing wrong.

Control Surface Studio User

Yeah, can't seem to get feedback with the 64 no matter what I do. This makes me think though that I might have something off in the controller manager. I have one container with the buttons set as notated in the 64 user guide so now I'm really lost lol. Tried setting different control type settings for button 1 as well and no dice.

upload files: 
Forum Admin


I have been chatting with one of our other members who has a Midi Fighter 64. He's going to check if feedback is working for him at the weekend.

Control Surface Studio User

Awesome, thank you man.

Control Surface Studio User

Any word yet?

Forum Admin

Nothing as yet sorry. I've nudged him, hopefully he will respond soon.

Control Surface Studio User

Hey just wanted to see if there have been any updates.

Forum Admin

Hey, still not heard back sorry :(
I've now contacted DJTT also, hopefully they can shed some light on requirements for this.

Pro User

Hey Guys,

@RGBEATZ - another MF64 user here :) Hereby you will see a couple of screens of my settings so you can compare with your work. I'm using Note message in following example but it also works fine with CC messages.

1. Button Note configuration in the Controller Manager (love the idea)


2. The Mode button LED feedback in the Script Manager.


3. The Session Box LED feedback in the Script Manager.


4. The Play LED feedback in the Script Manager.


I'm using Win10 by the way. Let us know if you still need assistance.

Forum Admin

... and here's a video of Stevan using his Midi Fighter 64 with a CSS Script which has LED feedback working:

Control Surface Studio User

Yooo Big thank you guys. Will be diving into this after work.

Control Surface Studio User

@stevan how do you have your buttons mapped on your template? My button 1 value is 36. As well as how is yours sending on channel 3? I have two virtual banks mode set from the mf utility, bank 1 sends on ch 3 and bank 2 sends on channel 2. Aside from your template settings, I have everything configured the same way, still no feedback :(.

Control Surface Studio User

Wait nvm I'm dumb just set mine to 7 (bank 2 now ch 6). Also set to note mode instead of note+cc. Hopefully this will do it.