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Can't access User Methods in 2.6

Submitted by chainsawart@gmail.com on Wed, 09/22/2021 - 23:17
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,
I wasn't having any luck with the User.py and finally stripped it down to the bare bones empty user.py with the test method. This is the message in CSS log when attempting to run the method with the script initialized listener:
'css_my_first_script_v2' object has no attribute 'user'

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5 Responses


Forum Admin


Did you follow the beta tutorials to do this?
(I'll add the 2 custom coding tutorials here for convenience)
custom python coding with Reactions 2: https://youtu.be/RrszCL0vagE
how to send a modifier value to the user.py file: https://youtu.be/ZoTS6vNPA8Q

And the user.py files are here: https://remotify.io/sites/default/files/user_py_files.zip

Control Surface Studio User

Ok, I’m inferring that it is a problem on my end. I did follow the tutorials. I’ll try again and report back. Thanks!

Control Surface Studio User

Ok.. so I can't get anything to read from the user.py inside of 11. It works great inside of 10. Does the test_method work with 11 on your end?

Forum Admin

Could this be related to the Ableton 11 issue of needing to close and re-open it in order to get changes made in the script?

Forum Admin

After investigating here, the issue was indeed a couple of bugs, 1 in the script calling the user.py file, and a bug in the user.py file itself.
re-install your script and you will automatically get the fix,
Then you will need to get the latest version of the user.py file, so re-download the user.py folder (linked above) and add the ableton 11 user.py to your script again.

Thanks for reporting this!