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Can scripts made with CSS work at same time as manufacturer's scripts?

Submitted by fatphil on Sun, 04/09/2023 - 21:52
Control Surface Studio User


I've got a Novation launchkey mini and a Korg nanoKontrol2 that both have fairly good Midi Remote Scripts that work with Live 11. Unfortunately neither offer the red box around the currently controlled scenes/tracks.

I'd like to know if I can use a couple of CSS scripts to add the red box functionality for each controller, and keep each controller's main script also active in Live. Essentially having 2 active control surface entries for each physical control surface.

I too tried using modifying decompiled python scripts (100s of attempts to get them to run)!!!

I also tried creating scripts from scratch to do it myself but I couldn't get them to work at the same time as the controller's main Script. Only the first in the list (for each physical control surface) would actually function.

Thanks in advance,

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Well I went ahead and purchased :o)

As I feared I've found I can't use the MackieControl script with the nanoKontrol2 at the same time as my css Redbox script. The left/right button presses still select the prev/next group of 8 tracks, but the css session box doesn't move. Doesn't seem to make any difference what order I put them, the MackieControl script dominates.

So it's not possible to have 2 scripts running at the same time for the same control surface? At least it seems that way with the MackieControl script.

To have identical functionality as before + red box, I'll need to model the all sliders, pots and buttons and put them in my new script?

I suppose it shouldn't take too long and would be a good exercise :)
