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button to switch filter type

Submitted by benwadub on Thu, 01/20/2022 - 15:40
Control Surface Studio User

hi, i d like to set a button to toggle a filter as hippas or low pass.
i set a device selector with a parameter bank, I d like that when I press a button it send value 32 and when I press again it set to value 127 and come back to 32 when another press is done, is it possible to do it please? I tried with absolute set to 32 and 127 but that doesn't t work and same with relative.

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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello Ben,

Did you try the 'On/Off' control type?
'On' -> 32 and 'Off' -> 127 or vice versa.
I suppose the 'Switch Type' should be on 'Toggle'
Let us know if this helps ;)

Control Surface Studio User

that could be something like this but the values don t seems to match but that seems to be the closest thing to my need from all why I tried! thanks man

Control Surface Studio User

no finally that must not be the solution, every value I try do the same result

Control Surface Studio User

Maybe try to change the 'Minimum' value, instead of 0% put in something like 40%
And 'Control Override' at 'default'

Control Surface Studio User

you are my hero! that s it thanks a lot!

Control Surface Studio User

You're welcome!