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Button (note type) to toggle the SEND knob in Live between -inf and 0 dB

Submitted by MXiNG on Wed, 03/08/2023 - 23:20
Control Surface Studio User

Hey guys,

CSS is really a great tool and I'm busy working on my first script. To this day, I've found everything that didn't work right away by trying it out or researching it on the Internet. Today I reached my limits.

I have no problem using the buttons on my controller to set the receivers in a parameter bank of a device in a track so that it jumps back and forth between 0 and 127 (MIDI) when I press the button several times.

Unfortunately, I'm somehow unable to replicate the same behavior with the same button, the same preferences but on a SEND knob in a Live track. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or is this a known problem that a SEND controller in particular cannot be controlled with buttons?

Kind regards

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