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Box navigation scroll skips scenes

Submitted by Spore Sounds on Wed, 02/23/2022 - 20:57
Spore Sounds
Control Surface Studio User

I'm using a Midi Fighter Twister

I set up a session box and am trying to control navigation up and down through scenes by scrolling with a knob.
I've got it to work but it scrolls through too fast. When I'm on a small ableton session it appears to work fine. But my main performance session has lots of scenes and it will skip through them too fast and it is impossible to get it to stop on the correct scene.
I've tried multiple setting and changed the knob sensitivity on the midi fighter but nothings gotten it to work.

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5 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi Spore Sounds,

Indeed when the Session Box Navigation has more than 128 'steps' to make, it skips some scenes in order to target the whole range of scenes.

The solution I adopted is to use the knob you have now to 'coarse' search the scene you are targeting and then use one (up or down) or two (up and down) buttons to skip a scene at the time.

I use the one button on my rotary push encoder to go up by 1 scene at a time.
So for example, if I want to target scene 312, I use the rotary controller to scroll just past the scene (for instance 314) and then push that same encoder 2 times to select scene 312. I find this a very quick way to select scenes especially when you have a lot of scenes since the rotary encoder gets 'coarser' when you get more scenes. And so you can scroll very quickly through the scenes :-)


Spore Sounds
Control Surface Studio User

Ok that makes sense. Thats a pretty cool work around to still take up only one knob. Thanks for the tip

Spore Sounds
Control Surface Studio User

Could you explain how you set up your note down button? I'm still not getting it to move down evenly.

Spore Sounds
Control Surface Studio User

Figured it out. rookie mistake I had it on select scene instead of scroll

Control Surface Studio User
