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Behringer X Touch Universal Control Surface

Submitted by bonusbeats on Thu, 12/23/2021 - 12:29
Control Surface Studio User

Hello I have just bought the Behringer X Touch Universal Control Surface and was wondering if I could midi map the motorize faders using remotify?

I would need the faders to react and update with Abelton live. I Don't like the Mackie protocol that it uses now because the mapping Behringer provides is kind of wonky and a lot pf the buttons don't do anything with their current mapping.

The control of the VSts is kind of slow and I need them to move faster when twisting the knobs, plus I want the knobs to control a filter straight from the first page instead of clicking through screens to reach the parameter.

Can I edit the Mackie control protocol? I see its a .py file so I assume not.

Also will this need reactions to speak back and fourth to control the faders then update the faders portion physically?

Any help would be appreciated.

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3 Responses


Forum Admin


Sending LED feedback / midi velocity to the controls should activate the motorized faders.
This can be done using the standards midi mapping types in CSS.
One thing to note, we have had report that the feedback causes the motorized faders to move in a 'jerky' fashioin, rather than smooth.
I would recommend using a mixture of reactions and live's 'framework' to attach midi controls to functions in Ableton. This does mean that you would lose the customisable options of our own mapping types.

Also, the 'framework' approach is as yet undocumented anywhere. What would feedback would you be wanting for your faders?

Control Surface Studio User

I do t need feed back but just want them to react and correspond to the correct position physically.

Sounds like it could be easier for me to use the factory mapping and just do a small add in midi controller for vst and knob twisting on the side.

I think I will just try that..


Forum Admin

Its usually the LED/Velocity feedback which actually makes the faders move into position.