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Behringer CMD LC1 Encoders and Ledfeedback

Submitted by AmaG on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 01:23
Pro User

I have a behringer cmd lc1 controller with encoders with led feedback
but the value in the endless encoder moves slowly mapped in SEND
I do not know what to do
i tried all option and none work right…

absolute = stays in the middle and not move

relative smooth two compliment = work from back to front and very speedy, no led feedback

relative smooth signed bit = work from back to front, fast forward, slow rewind, no led feedback

relative smooth binary offset = WORK! but slowly and no led feedback

Help me!!

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4 Responses


Forum Admin

Do you know what Velocity Values the Encoder sends out? usually it will be either 1 - 127 or just 2 numbers.

Pro User

I found this about the encoder values:
I have plugged the controller into midi monitor and here is the results when I make one full rotation Right and Then one full rotation Left. As you can see the action of the encoder turning right or increasing generates a control change 65 and the action of the encoder turning left or decreasing generates a control change 63 If you need any more information please ask as I am quite desperate to get this working.

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Forum Admin

One of those options should be what you need. Just checked in Live and it does have a few extra options.
Can you test them to see which one works for your control? see the attached screenshot.
The menu at the bottom will appear when you use Live's internal midi mapping to map to your control.