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Behring X32 Compact for Ableton control

Submitted by JamesEh21 on Wed, 11/21/2018 - 22:36
Free User

I have a Behringer X32 Compact soundboard with a DAW remote feature which has 3 options: Emulation of Mackie MCU, Emulation of Mackie HUI, and also a generic CC mode. With the Mackie modes, the X32's lcd screens reflect track and device information from Ableton, and in generic CC mode, as far as I can tell, they do not. The prospect of using the X32's motorized faders to control Ableton, with track, device, and parameter information displayed on the corresponding lcd screens, is very exciting, and I would dig deeper into the Mackie-modeled capabilities but for a deal-breaking bug where the DAW's midi output takes over my x32's master fader while playing back. https://forum.musictribe.com/showthread.php?22002-Jumping-Master-Fader-w...
Total deal breaker. Nobody touches my master fader. Is this maybe a problem with Ableton's script for the MCU, that could be fixed with Remotify? Should I order a brand new script, and if so, could the motorized faders be flexibly assigned in banks (with the help of user-assignable push buttons that could bank forward and backward)? Also, could a new script utilize the LCDs on the x32 to show what parametre their associated fader is controlling? Would I use such a script with Generic CC mode on the x32, and would this still permit me to change banks with the 8 faders?
Thanks to anyone who's able to help me past this initial uncertainty. Ultimately I'm looking for a script that can navigate tracks, devices, and parameters, and map the parameters of the currently selected device to banks for my motorized faders, indicating the current parameter in the lcd screens.

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