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Arm Track Bug

Submitted by rafaedk on Thu, 08/31/2017 - 06:29
Free User


I have a MPK249 and I'm mapping a button called Switch (below the faders) to the Arm Buttons.
It's on the Common Channel (16) and it's sending CC's from 32 for CH1, 33 for CH2, 34 for CH3, etc..
All Switches is configured to Toggle Mode and at the APP all with the same config: MODE 1, Specific and each with one specific track from 1-7.

The wrong behavior is that CH1 is the only one working well. Press Down = Arm On. Press Again = Arm Off. All other Switches dedicated for other channels I need to Press Twice for Arm On/Off.
Theres a LOG I made for deep understanding.

MPK249, s: Porta 4, c: 16, Control message: 32, 0 . [ Arm On ]
MPK249, s: Porta 4, c: 16, Control message: 32, 127[ Arm keeps On]
MPK249, s: Porta 4, c: 16, Control message: 32, 0 [ Arm Off ]
MPK249, s: Porta 4, c: 16, Control message: 32, 127[ Arm keeps Off ]

What should it be?! Can I have a support for this (first of my list) issue?


2 Responses


Free User

upgrade: added Shift button as the Switch 8. now all Switches behave good inside the program. But the light feedback isn't right (no color leds)... it's always on (although it's on toggle mode on the controller) and if I create a new track, all 8 lights turns on. If I press S8 (shift), all 8 lights tuns on. The Switches that turned on and there's no Track inside LIVE, I can turn off the light. The Switches that represent a existent channel inside LIVE, the light doesn't turn off (beside the good behavior inside the program)

My file is attached below

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Forum Admin

Hi RD,

For each of the problem toggle mappings inside Remotify, have you set their "momentary" values to "no"? this should ensure that they behave like toggles.

I'll take a look at your json file asap and let you know if I see anything.

