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APC40 LEDS Feedback

Submitted by Mcbeat on Thu, 06/06/2019 - 20:09
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

hey guys. I'm just trying to get my apc40 up and try the scc for the first time. I have to say that it is very confused. Nevertheless, I managed to make a box that I can control. Now I've done it via the .py the LED fedback the clips. That's easy. What I do not manage is to make the clip stop button work. The other LEDs are always flashing red when they are empty. Is there a solution for setting the value to 0? It always sends value 4. The whole APC40 flashes like crazy. Since you get eye cancer;). You can not work like that. Have tried different solutions with reactions but without success. Can someone help me?

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1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi there McBeat!

Great to hear that you're trying out Control Surface Studio.
The issue you mentioned regarding Off being a value of 4 has already been logged and a fix created.
It will go Live along with our other upcoming LED Feedback updates (hopefully in the next 2 weeks).