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Akai MPK 249

Submitted by Poldyy on Tue, 01/17/2017 - 12:03
Free User

Hey everyone,

I just got a MPK 249, but the 8 knobs are automapped to pan and I want to use them for Device Controls...
Till now i couldn't make a working remotify script with having the other functions (like faders for tracks etc.) too :l

Anyone experience with the MPK 249?


1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Poldy,

Are you trying to use the default MPK249 script aswell as a custom Remotify script?
You should be able to use 2 script for 1 controller but as the MPK already has mappings for the knobs this could be causing an issue.
In Ableton's control surface list (in the link / midi tab), try adding your remotify script below the mpk249 script, maybe this will help.
