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After Update to 2.5.6 still displays 2.5.5

Submitted by Simon Absent on Mon, 03/22/2021 - 21:04
Simon Absent
Control Surface Studio User

I updated - everything working fine!


But when I start the software it still displays 2.5.5 and suggests I download the new version.

I am sure that I completed the update and am using 2.5.6, because now I benefit of fixed bugs, in some functions which didn't work before :-)

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4 Responses


Forum Admin

We implement fixes in 2 places, depending on the issue. It will either be in the App (which requires an update from you) or it can be done on the server (which requires no update).
If you're referring to those issues which prevented your scripts working on an older version of Live, I'm fairly sure they would have been done on the server. So you probably do still need to download 2.5.6 :)

Simon Absent
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John - I am using STUDIO version and yes - the difference is that the scripts now work with no manual modification - thank you for remembering my case!

But the version displayed when I start is still 2.5.5 - the one that did not do the scripting job properly

see screenshot

Forum Admin

Hi Simon,
I think maybe you misunderstood what I was saying. In my previous comment I'm referring to Control Surface Studio in both cases (not the web app). It sounds to me like you haven't updated the app to be honest, as those 'no manual modification' fixes didn't require an update from you.



Simon Absent
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

I need to apologize - I thought the Web-app and the studio-app are two compöletely different things...
So if I understand correctly the reason why my previous problems are solved has nothing to do with 2.5.6

Well I might have messed up the update and still running 2.5.5 - will give the update another shot!