Advanced Ableton Device Control


Today we’re announcing a great set of new features for the Remotify app, all based around how you can control your Ableton devices.

Up until now with Remotify, you’ve had the ability to control the currently selected device in Ableton (aka the device with the blue hand icon)


filtering midi mappings

But Now:

Based on all of your feedback and months of tireless research and experimentation, we’ve completely expanded how you can control your devices, in a bunch of awesome new ways!

So what’s inside?

Well, first up is:

1. Specific Device Parameter Control

This allows you to create mappings for a specific device’s parameters. 
when creating a device parameter mapping, all you need to do is select the track number & the placement number in which it appears in your device chain and you’ve got a specific device parameter mapping. Yes this is already possible using Ableton’s built in midi mapping engine…


Remotify gives you the ability to integrate your specific device controls with your own custom session box!

filtering midi mappings

So what this means, is that when you use a session box to move left and right across your current session, all of your device parameter mappings will automatically stay in sync and move with it. This is ideal for people who have mixer style controllers such as Novation’s Launch control XL, the Akai Midi Mix or Livid Intrument’s DS1 and want to control sets of devices on multiple tracks but have the added ability to then move to another set of tracks and have the same control over those as well. Combine it with our extensive collection of mixer and send controls and you have a powerful combination at your fingertips. Next up is something which you previously couldn’t do in Ableton, until now:

2. Control Specific Devices On The Selected Track

filtering midi mappings

If you already use Remotify then you’ll know that you can create a whole bunch of selected track control mappings such as volume, sends, mutes and so on having selected track control is extremely useful for giving midi controllers the ability to control every track in your session, without the need to have to a massive amount of inputs. One set of inputs can control every track. but there’s always been one thing missing from the selected track controls and that’s the ability to also control specific devices on the currently selected track.

This is now available in Remotify!

As an example, you can setup your midi controller to have control over the first 3 devices in your selected track’s device chain, Then whenever you move to another track you’ll instantly have control over the devices in the new track’s chain. Just map one set of devices to your midi controller and have access to every track’s devices in your Ableton session. But that’s not all!

3. Control Device On/Off Buttons

You can now create mappings to control the on off buttons of devices, using all of the same device types I’ve already mentioned. A great example of this is to turn on and off different instances of beat repeat on the selected track so you can instantly create exciting variants on the currently playing drum loop.

filtering midi mappings


We’ve also updated the Device Banking up and down controls, so you can add these to all of the new device types too.

filtering midi mappings

and finally

As we know you will now be creating an insane amount of device parameters in your scripts, we took a look at the UI and decided that it will cause a major headache for you if you need to create a new device parameter mapping for every single parameter. So they’re now together in their groups of 8, the same as you see in Ableton.

filtering midi mappings

A lot more clear and quick to use. Plus, If you’ve created midi remote scripts previous to this update then Importing your scripts into Remotify will automatically group all of your selected device parameters together in this new layout. All of these great new features are available right now to pro members, so join up and start controlling Ableton exactly how you need to with your midi controllers.