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Submitted by verdeal on Tue, 01/04/2022 - 09:49
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I don't really know if it's possible, but I think it would help a lot to be able to add comments on each added line in remotify. When you have a very large script that takes many days to do, it is easy to get a little lost between so much reaction, commands, etc.
It's just an idea. Thanks a lot!

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

You must have read our minds, commenting is coming in the next update.
You will be able to add them to the following:
script setting form
In the settings form of each mapping type
reaction action blocks
controller template settings
In the settings form of each controller input type

So lots of options. As you mentioned, hopefully this will make it much easier when coming back to your scripts and trying to remember what is going on - especially with reactions!

Control Surface Studio User

John - that's a great news ! When we can expect a new release ?

Forum Admin

Hopefully in the next few days, a week at most :)