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Actually select the parameter in Live when changing value

Submitted by Hugo Kant on Sat, 10/29/2022 - 09:53
Hugo Kant
Control Surface Studio User


i hope i'm missing something obvious as i need to have the parameter be actually selected in live when changing it's value to be able to use the selected_parameter listener on it.
For now when i use the inbuilt select parameter inside the Parameter Bank mapping type it's working fine for changing the value but it's not selecting the parameter in live (the little corners around the parameter) so i don't get any feedback from the selected_parameter listener..
In the live API i see that the selected_parameter property is only to GET the value and not to set it, so i can't find a solution around that.

Any ideas ?


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1 Responses


Forum Admin

Changing the value of a parameter doesn't select it.
As you have mentioned, the Live API doesn't have a method for selecting a parameter.