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About sometimes disregarding midi devices

Submitted by idfalk on Fri, 07/30/2021 - 18:26
Control Surface Studio User


So I have something I would like to be able to do with my scripts. I think I have a way to do the t, but I’m wondering if there’s a more elegant way.

So, the script I use for my fighter twister I generally to control 16 macros from my rack and the 2 map8-devices after my synth to be able to “expand” the number of controls. My goal is to have a tactile but generic control of my synths. Works really well!

However. This is dependant upon there being a certain order for things. So my first macros control Ableton macros and then I have created macro controls in css which is “pointed” to device (I think) 2 and 3 in my chain, this for the map8 devices.

The problem is that this makes it impossible to insert anything in front of my rack, as this messes up the order of the devices and screws everything up. Is there any way to automate my script so it disregards the first device or rack when this is inserted?

My thought is to make an identical mode with the only difference being that this mode moves all the devices forward in order so this mode effectively disregards a midi device such as a arpeggiator or a sequencer.

Another thought is to have a dummy midi track with midi effects which then outputs midi to a particular channel. The problem here is there’s some extra clicks to record arm the midi track, and then selecting the track with the synth, as well as selecting the channel to output midi to (is there a way to lock this to a controller via css?)

Anyways - any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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