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Ableton stock instruments parameters

Submitted by Ciura81 on Tue, 11/16/2021 - 23:01
Control Surface Studio User


did anybody have the parameter files for ableton stock plugins/ devices.

For exampel when im loading operater an cotroll it with my controller, it controlls automatically autoasiggned parameters,
But its not usefull. I Search for the numbers of the Parameters.. To search it out for every device is like a gubbel :( and cost a lot of time.want..

And it tooks quit 10 houers. to edit the Parameters

Untill now I have found the parameters for all OSC of Operator.
For the Envelops and some more usefull parameters but I want it the fast and easy way. A list thats what I want .

Thanks for Help and Answers

And Stay Healthy

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13 Responses


Forum Admin


You can use this script, https://remotify.io/ableton-midi-script/log-device-parameter-names
Press a button on your controller and display all device parameter names in the Log... along with their corresponding parameter number (watch the video on that page for details).

Control Surface Studio User

Hey John,
I thank you for the script, but in my log nothing happens. In the log nothing is displayed. I will first run your Introduction video for the use of Log. Mybe it works, if not I will send you a message.
And sorry for my bad english I try my best but I am not a native speaker.

Control Surface Studio User

I have tasted it with my faderfox ec4 and with my launchpad pro mk2 but nothing is displayed in my log.

Forum Admin

Ok, the script 100% works, so 2 things you can check:
1. are all of your settings correct? open the settings menu and check that the live version and log.txt location are using the correct version of Ableton Live (I have auto updates turned on and sometimes its changed to a new version without me realising - meaning the log has stopped working).

2. Is the button configured correctly? make sure the midi data is correct in the controller template. To double check, try in a reaction using the action 'display a value in the css log' to display a simple text string i.e. 'hello'

Forum Admin

Oh and
3. make sure to reselect the button in 'log device parameters' reaction.

Control Surface Studio User

Now it's working Ioaded the logfile again and it works. Ther is a small problem with my log I cant clear it. How can I fix this

Forum Admin

Can you upload a screenshot of your CSS settings please.

Control Surface Studio User

Here is a screenshot of my settings. but it's not so important to solve this littel problem. if it is not a easy step to solve it.
The script works and that what ist important for me.

upload files: 
Forum Admin

Thank you, everything looks ok in the screenshot.
One thing I will say is, its best to occasionally clear the log.txt, as if this file becomes large can actually cause Control Surface Studio to run slow and even become unresponsive.
So if for whatever reason you're not able to clear the log using the button in CSS, I would recommend that you manually delete the contents of the log.txt file from time to time.

Control Surface Studio User

hi @john, with this script I got this error in my log
Log device parameter names v2) There's a problem with 'Action Block 1' in reaction 'Log device parameter names' (from 'Button 1 was pressed' listener) >>
>> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
(Log device parameter names v2) There's a problem with 'Action Block 2' in reaction 'Log device parameter names' (from 'Button 1 was pressed' listener) >>
>> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parameters'
(Log device parameter names v2) There's a problem with 'Action Block 1' in reaction 'Log device parameter names' (from 'Button 1 was pressed' listener) >>
>> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'
(Log device parameter names v2) There's a problem with 'Action Block 2' in reaction 'Log device parameter names' (from 'Button 1 was pressed' listener) >>
>> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'parameters'

any idea? I m on live 11

Control Surface Studio User

huuu forgot my last post I had no device selected in Ableton it work great!

Forum Admin

The following pages now list Parameter name/numbers for all Ableton stock Instruments, Audio Devices and Midi Devices
Live 10 version: https://remotify.io/device-parameters/device_params_live10.html
Live 11 version: https://remotify.io/device-parameters/device_params_live11.html

Control Surface Studio User

Wauw, great info John!!
I have bookmarked the page.
Thanks a lot!