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like the ``Ableton Push 2''

Submitted by OSCAR CHIAVE on Wed, 11/02/2022 - 19:27
Control Surface Studio User

Good morning,
how can I easily set the recording length of all clips? (like the ``Ableton Push 2'')
I've tried all possible ways. The way that comes closest is this one: Action Blocks-Actions-Clip slot fire - highlighted clip slot ....but this problem arose :
If I press the button related to the clip I want to record but I have selected any other clip previously with the mouse, when I press that button, I start recording the clip related to the button but also the clip selected with the mouse previously. And I don't want this to happen.
I'm attaching you a "Max plug-in" .
I would like to get this result, is it possible?
Thank you very much,

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1 Responses


Forum Admin

Details on how to do it with a reaction mapping here;