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ableton fixed length recording without push, is it possible?

Submitted by AnthonyM on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 20:21
Control Surface Studio User

Is it possible to set the clip length in Ableton similar to what the push does so that you do not need to click the clip to start recording then click again to stop recording?

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14 Responses


Forum Admin


For a midi track you can create a clip and set it to a specific length (I haven't found a way to do it with audio clips yet).
Import the attached script into CSS. The reaction titled 'create clip at fixed length' contains the required configuration to do it.
You'll just need to select a button as the listener option and for the first menu in the condition section.
See the attached image for details - including where to set your desired clip length.

Forum Admin

An update to the above script (attached to this post).

I've added some extra functionality so now, with a single button press, the following happens:
1. Midi clip is added at the currently selected position; 4 bars in length (length can be changed to suit)
2. Clip starts playing/looping immediately
3. Turns on session record button
4. Arms the selected track (if it isn't already armed).
5. switches the view to clip detail - so you can see what your recording in.

Literally one click and your recording a 4 bar loop!

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Control Surface Studio User

Hi John, thanks for this sorry i didnt think anyone responded, thanks alot for looking into this!! I will run this and try it out and let you know how it goes

Thanks again

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John have loaded the clip and it works only if the empty clip slot is selected before I press it. is there a way to select the next available empty clip slot then run the rest of the css? I would just like to press a button at any track I have highlighted and insert a fixed clip in the empty slot. Thanks again for your help so far!

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Forum Admin

Hi Anthony,

The closet I can get is to simply select the next clip down (not the next empty clip).
I've attached the update to this post

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John really helpful - ended up mapping a highlight scene 1 to bring it to the top again so can be a workaround- if you do get the functionality let me know!

Was also wondering if possible to update this duplicate clip script another user Image Engine wrote in the "duplicate clip" question, but to actually play it also - currently it just inputs it below but keeps the existing one playing??

Forum Admin

it's now very simple to create fixed length recordings using 'Reactions version 2' in the latest release of Control Surface Studio.

There is an action to start recording of a clip, in there you can set the length that you want to record for.

The action is found in 'Live object model > clip slot > fire'
when you select it you will see an action parameter called 'record length', you can set this to the exact length that you want to record for (measured in beats and bars).

Control Surface Studio User

Does this apply to audio recordings as well, John C?

Is there any more detailed documentation on how to set up looper functionality?

Forum Admin

Yes it applies to both MIDI and Audio Clip slots (note: the clip slot needs to be empty)

I have just been testing it though and the action parameters appear to be incorrect.
It says to enter the record length in the format bars.beats.sixteenths.ticks
but this is wrong. So for now you will need to switch the action to custom code
(click the button which has this: )
And enter the following snippet:
4.0 = 1 bar,
16.0 = 4 bars and so on

Forum Admin

Actually, no need to switch to custom code, see attached, you can enter 4.0 in the 'Record Length' field and 0 in the 'Launch Quantization' field.

Control Surface Studio User

Hey John, Thank you so much for taking your time to make this. I really appreciate it. I'm just wondering how to run the script to make it work in ableton.

Thanks in advance.

Forum Admin

You would need to add the functionality via a 'Reaction' mapping type in Control Surface Studio:
Control Surface Studio: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio
Tutorials on using Reactions: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio#reactions-videos

Control Surface Studio User

Hey John, I hate to bother you again. I've spent some time troubleshooting and I am just running into a couple issues.

I seem to be doing everything right but it still doesn't seem to be running correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Forum Admin

Hi Prophet,
Its not possible to update Ableton's UI using a UI Event as the listener.
You would need to change your listener to a midi controller event such as a button press.