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Ableton Browser navigation using hardware

Submitted by hamster_switch on Wed, 04/07/2021 - 17:43
Control Surface Studio User

Is there a way to scroll through your library of files then load it to the desired clip (if MIDI or audio) or a channel (if .als project file) using a hardware MIDI Controller instead of a keyboard & mouse? For example I have a Traktor F1 controller that has a rotary knob which you can also push as a button, 4 faders and lots of other buttons. Is it possible to map/script this for that function using Remotify? Many Thanks

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13 Responses


Forum Admin

This should be possible with the upcoming update to the Reactions mapping type (version 2) which is on its way very soon.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John. Just realised I forgot about this post and just now created a similar post!!

Has this been implemented on the latest version of Remotify and will it work for both Live 10 + 11 (I currently have 10 but am probably going to upgrade to 11 soon)?



Forum Admin

Hi Sunny,
Reactions 2 is currently in Beta. I can confirm that it has options for navigation within the browser.
Yes it works with Live 10 + 11

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

Been experimenting with creating device hotswap/browser scroll controls with reactions. Am able to browse to my preset but wondering if it is possible to send a 'load' instruction from the midi device, rather than having to access my computer keyboard? Thanks

Control Surface Studio User

I also tried to do that about a week or two ago and I got stranded at the same spot. I can not find a listener for loading a preset into a track or device.
It would be really cool if, one day, that was possible, :-)

Control Surface Studio User

hi, can you explain how you navigate inside the browser please?

Control Surface Studio User

I can t scroll I only can go up or down with my encoder as there is only one direction to choose in the reaction option
for loading the preset did you try to use a button with a reaction::
application/press curent dialog box.?

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Ben,
First, using a 'Reaction' for opening the browser to the current preset,
Action: 'Live Object Model' -> 'Application' -> 'toggle browse'

And then some 'Reactions' for navigating:
Action: 'Live Object Model' -> 'Application' -> 'scroll view'

Sadly, I have not found a way yet to open that new selected preset or device.
Maybe someone has an idea?

Control Surface Studio User

Hi Ben,
I missed your last post, I used 'up', 'down' and 'right' buttons to navigate.
Yes, I tried 'Application - press current dialog button' but no luck..

Control Surface Studio User

Hello benwadub,
I suppose you could use the same method here as with scrub_by:
To go up- or downward with the same controller, you can set conditions in the 'Reaction':
1) If the current velocity value of your MIDI controller < then the previous -> you give it a direction.
2) If the current velocity value of your MIDI controller > then the previous -> you give it the opposite direction.

Control Surface Studio User

I tried this but this doesn't t work :-( I have the same problem for scrub or navigating in the browser, only one direction works for my encoders, I tried to set them as relative and absolute, that doesn't t work

Control Surface Studio User

I got it! my encoders are relative and send only 1 or 127 so I had to set the velocity equal to 1 or equal to 127 and this work!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi ben,
I just tested the scrubbing and navigation with an absolute endless encoder, and it worked, well partially..
I can scroll the presets (or scrub) but when the encoder gets at 0 or 127, it doesn't move (or scrub) any further than that.
I guess that we need some code that determines how many presets there are, which will probably give a problem if there are more than 128 presets. I suppose a relative encoder would work better, but I have not found a way to implement that yet.
Anybody else on the forum here has some experience with that?

Here is the code I used for navigating:
if self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_58.cur_val < self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_58.pre_val:
self.application().view.scroll_view(0, "Browser", None)
if self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_58.cur_val > self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_58.pre_val:
self.application().view.scroll_view(1, "Browser", None)

I guess you already know, but the numbers in 'cc_ch_0_val_58' will probably be different in your code.