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1 mode button for 2 LaunchControl

Submitted by Nicolas Roulet on Wed, 06/14/2017 - 21:12
Nicolas Roulet
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


I've got 2 Launchcontrol XL(with 3 rotary knob per tracks). I want to use 2 mode:

- mode 1: 3 rotary knob for Send A - B - C
- mode 2: 3 rotary knob for Send D - E - F

I made a mode button to activate Mode 1 and another one to activate Mode 2. It's working fine on my first launch controlXL but mode 2 is not activated on the second launchControlXL. Is there any tips for using 2 identical device?

Thanks a lot

3 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Nicolas,

I can't think of a reason why modes would work on one and not on the other.
Are you using 2 different scripts, or the same one for both?

Maybe change the midi messages of one of the launchControlXL units using novation's editor and create a separate script for it.


Nicolas Roulet
Pro User

Hi, i tried to write one script for the first and another one for the second. The result is identical. The first is on Canal 1 and the second on Canal 2.

Forum Admin

Are you trying to use 1 mode button on 1 launchpad to change the modes for both controllers?
If this is the case, no its not possible. You can only change modes for the current controller & script.
